One month later...

Hey All,
So it's one month later and i finally got internet access AND figured out how to re-enter this thing! Crazy... well i'm sitting in the office for another three hours with nothing much to do... but i can't really go home cuz i have to wait for Lando to get back from doing his afternoon St. John's tour - he takes people to the beach to go snorkling twice a day.
Here's the updates in a nut shell. We live at the Parsonage below Pastor Keinberger at Frederick Lutheran. It's got a great view of the Cruise Ship Harbor. We bought a white Jeep Wrangler which is really fun to drive around the island (wouldn't want one in the states though!) The cats have settled in, they've found their spots to sleep. Chloe caught her first cockroach the other day!
Tidbits: Traffic is horrible here, it's tough to find good fruits and vegatables, everything is expensive (except rum), the weather is wonderful, Iguanas and lizards are everywhere-i love it, the movie "Weatherman" is HORRIBLE-don't go see it, we have rockin carribbean music that poors into our windows every saturday night and I love having TWO DAYS OFF IN A ROW!!!
You meet a lot of random people here. You have the cruise ship passengers who seriously check their brains at the gangway when they board those ships for the first times, you have a bunch of young/not young but still act it tour operators who just run tours and drink all night and you have the West Indian people that i'm used to from doing trips down here. Unfortunatly since we've been working Sundays, i haven't gotten to see them a lot and i'm kinda home sick for that part of the island.
The other day Lando and I bought custom-made sandals and i came back from wandering around the store and found Lando talking to this old lady that works there talking about how she was mandated to go poop at least once a day when she was four and she met a nice boy who did it for her one day when she couldn't go-talk about kindness.
So this is pretty random, but so much has happened... i'll keep the rest short, simple and hopefully more entertaining... although i'll never quite reach the level of Matt White... he's an allstar!
Thinkin' about ya: Lando and I are really missing all the Chicago kids right now. You guys are traveling back today and we hope you had the GREATEST TRIP EVER. You guys are all so amazing! We miss being around people who are SO passionte about something the really matters (running tours to the beach just can't compare to working with you!)
Until next time...
Hooray! The blog is up!
damn right!, i mean DARN right! but keep pluggin away! can't wait to come visit. please tell me the Greenhouse is still there, please please please...
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