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Hello, my name is Lando. So nice to make your acquaintance.
It seems that Jaca has already shared all of the “real” info concerning our life down here. However, I feel obligated to put some words down as well. I guess that leaves some leftover randomness for me to share.
Today I have a day off. It’s been quite eventful—I washed the car, ran some errands, hit the library, and went all Martha Stewart on a turkey breast.
As I was flipping through channels this morning (where I eventually found Magnum P.I. on Fox…as you surely know, any day that includes Thomas Magnum is special), I saw my name on the bottom of the screen of The Maury Povich Show. I did a double take and wasn’t quite sure my eyes were telling the truth. It turns out, there was a dude named Lando on Maury Povich! Yeah, and that’s not all…apparently the dude was born a girl named Beth! (Yeah, I agree—slightly creepy.) Anyway, Beth had an operation that altered her gender and chose Lando as her/his new name. It’s the first time I’ve ever been close to face to face with another person named Lando. It’s kind of weird, but I guess it’s cool that of all the names in the world, he/she chose the name we now share. By the way, I recommend that unless you see your name on the bottom of the screen, you refrain from watching Maury Povich at all costs.
On a similar topic, Jaca and I saw Harry Potter the other night. I don’t want to ruin the movie for you, but Harry dies of tuberculosis. Sad but true. Fortunately for the survivors, Dumbledore brought two extra wagon tongues, so it looks like there’s hope for a happy ending after all.
Oh no! Magnum just put a dent in the Ferrari! (FYI, it’s now the afternoon, and this is a different episode…I know what you’re thinking—what a lucky duck I am! Two episodes of Magnum in one day!) He’s now stuck with a rental that is roughly the size of a golf cart…and Tom Selleck’s not a short fella. I’m sure you are rolling on the floor at the hilarity that is sure to ensue with this one! I know I am...or would be if this computer weren’t on my lappy.
Well, I’ve gotta run; time to put the turkey in the oven.
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