They are lighting a fake Christmas tree!

Wow, it's been awhile since i've been able to add to this.... it's cool to know so many people are reading it! Let's see, what happened since the last post?
Okay, so after Lando's day off, i had a day off... it worked out pretty well... i went to St. John's with him and got to see him do his thing as a tour guide - he's so cool - i can't believe i'm married to him sometimes! Anyway i left him once we got to St. John to go on the Eco Hike tour with a guy named Thunderhawk... interesting character that one... but the tour was really great! He took us along one of the many trails you can hike through because St. John's is mostly a National Park... he knows SO much information about every tree, bush and piece of history that goes along with it! The hike ends at Honeymoon beach witch is SO georgeous... all the tourists go to Trunk Bay cuz they don't know any better, but Honeymoom is really where you want to go to snorkel... Thunderhawk says all the tourists sunscreen has killed the reef over there.
What else... well Marcus moved here so the LCLC clan is slowly beginning to grow in number in the attempt to take over the island... (kidding)... but it's cool to have him here. We went up the Tram to Paradise Point to have lunch... great views... then we went to a beach by the airport to watch the sunset... the water was COLD! (We are so becoming locals).
Anyhow, i'm done with work... Marcus i watching me type... and Lando is on his way back from St. John's as we speak... Right here in Havensight (the area where my office is and the Cruise Ship Dock) are the Holiday festivities... all kinds of local bands, shops stay open late, all kinds of free food and drinks... SANTA is coming... and they are lighting the CHRISTMAS TREE!!! The thing of it is... IT'S FAKE!!! Oh well, i guess this is the island version of Rockefeller Center... what can you do.... later folks!
nice! say hi to marcus for me. and keep him away from the everclear!!!
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