Lando Broke Our Car!!!

I have no idea how he did it... he just didn't turn the wheel, backed right into a tree! Only broke our tail light cover-but geez! Our moving truck still isn't here... recent update is the truck is broke down somewhere east of Kansas? Hopfully next weekend we'll get it, but in the meantime we just hang out in the puppy crate when we aren't working!

Thought we would put up some pictures from my brothers wedding... it was so great and planned in two weeks.... My brother and sister-in-law (that's so wierd i have one of those!) are SUPER TROOPERS!!! The amount of stuff they had to go through to get to this event was out-of-control... nor did it slow down for them afterward... they moved to NYC the same day we put everything we own in the BLASTED MOVING TRUCK!

Breathe.... okay, so what else.... last week we went for a staff retreat at El Camino Pines, that is the other camp in our organization... we have the greatest team of people to work with! It was a great time to learn about stuff and get to know the other people at that camp. Their cook is amazing! His name is Fernando and he cooks the most amazing food ever! We are currently working on the food situation at our camp.
We saw our first wild fire on the drive up... they closed the highway soon after we passed... we were almost consumed by one last night as we slept.... it was about 10 miles away... but we had no way of knowing cuz we have no TV, or radio cuz they are all in that GIANT WASTE OF SPACE MOVING TRUCK!!! Oh well, at least we have Alpacas for neighbors!
Oh, BE ON GUARD.... there is a movement in the works that my be hitting a mailbox near you.... it's the YOLIJWA TREASURE EXPLOSION! ... as we clean through years and years of just "special" TREASURES that have accumulated over the years... we have to get rid of it.. so what better way to get rid of it than to send it to the people we care about most - YOU!!!! The first items will be hitting the mail system this week, so be on guard! If you want to request to be hit by this explosion, feel free to email either of us and we will get you on the list! This is something NOT TO BE MISSESD!
K, battery is going to die on the laptop that is being operated on wireless internet at the White Rabbit coffee shop on Yucaipa Blvd. Until next time, watch those mailboxes - the first attack may just be on YOU!!!!
Jaca, just stopping in to say hello. Hope you crazy kids are livin' the dream. Your Pal, Tim
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