Final Adventures in St. Croix
Happy Monday. As I type, our quest to fly toward the cooler temperatures is down to three days. This will most definitely be the last blog entry ‘till we are landlocked in the Midwest. Because of this, I’ll do my best to catch you up on our past few weeks as quickly as possible.
We officially have two days of work left, but it’s basically gonna end up being two half-days for me. Tomorrow morning, I’m attending a luncheon aboard the Caribbean Princess. Apparently the St. John tour that I’m the guide for is the highest grossing tour of the year for Princess. This basically means I get to ditch out of my morning tour (which I’ll gladly welcome as it means one less time to turn on the auto pilot as I point out all the sites between STT and STJ). I’ll still have my afternoon tour tomorrow, and then we are officially done after my Wednesday morning tour with Disney.

(Speaking of Disney, here’s a pic of Jaca and Minnie…Minnie is the one on the left with big ears and sailor hat)

We went to St. Croix last week. We have now been to all four U.S. islands. We caught a sea plane in the morning, rented a car, and set out on a tour of the largest island (almost three times the size of STT). The seaplane was crazy small. It felt like we were sitting in seats made for 5-year-olds. It was such a cool ride though--much better than parasailing! The nose dive for the water right before the landing was a little sketchy, but we made it.
In St. Croix they actually have roads with a speed limit of 55mph! On a similar theme, my vote for worst song ever written is Sammy Hagar’s I Can’t Drive 55. You may not agree. You are entitled to your opinion.

The start of our day was slightly altered by a triathlon that closed half of the roads on the island and the end of our day was cut short by an all-out downpour. As a whole it was a pretty decent day. However, just as we took the rental back, we got a call telling us our flight was cancelled. It worked out well though, because we still had fifteen minutes to catch the fast ferry back home. When we arrived at the terminal we realized you had to pay CASH for the tickets! PANIC!!! Between the two of us, we scrambled up $89 in cash…$1 to spare… PHEW!
We were soon on our way back to St. Thomas on a ferry ride that took about and hour and forty-five minutes on some of the roughest seas. Many stomachs were left in knots as the boat dropped five feet over each wave. Lots of green faces, heads-in-the-hands and barf bags.
Other recent noteworthy events:
1) Doug Flutie was on my tour last week. I challenged him to a coconut throwing contest and we re-enacted his 1984 Orange Bowl hail mary. Seemed like a nice guy, but it was a little weird that he carries his Heisman Trophy in a man-purse wherever he goes.
2)Our car is officially sold…they have the title, we have a check! It’s sad though, we really liked our little Wrangler.
3) Gus is officially stressed as can be seen by the matching patches on his back legs where he has licked off all the hair. It’s going to be a rough week for him and when we get to SD he’ll hide under the bed for a week cuz he’s pissed…that’s what he did when we arrived here.
To all of you near Western New York….Lost and Found Concert, Zion Lutheran Church, 6pm Sunday – BE THERE!!!
See you then!
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