Update from the Coconut Telegraph
Peace In.
Since it seems that I haven’t added anything to the blog since the Reagan administration, here I am to hop on the blog-wagon once again.
First off, I’ll let you know about the pictures you see alongside my words. We have yet to figure out how to place the images where we want them, so once it’s uploaded it’s a crapshoot. Any chance any of you could tell me where the word crapshoot comes from? I’ve repeated it over and over for about 39 minutes, and now I’m not even certain it is a word. (Editor's note: Before the time of publishing, Lando used his limited computer skill to solve the picture problem.)

The two pics of the boats (one which lost it’s battle against a hurricane and the other that looks like a hurricane may do it some good by putting it out of its misery) are from our kayak adventure a few weeks ago. Jaca promised more pictures and rather than have you slander her name all over the place, here’s some eye candy.

My favorite picture is the one of Ms. Jessica on the famous 99 Steps (note to future St. Thomas visitors: Save your dignity! It’s a lie, there’s really 102!).

Here's one of me in our Jeep. We rolled down the top to let the wind blow back our hair as we cruised around the rock on Friday. And cruise we did…I topped out at a law-shattering 45mph! Speaking of hair, earlier in the day I got my semi-annual haircut…which explains why my look is somewhere between George from Grey’s Anatomy and Carol Brady.
Not quite sure what else there is to share, because it seems that we are on the treadmill of life these days in the Caribbean. You know, when you are constantly moving, but the world around you doesn’t quite seem to change as you move along. I don’t know what it is specifically. Life becoming routine? Working a job that I’m convinced could be completed by a chimpanzee after a week of training? Take your pick. It’s all good for the moment, but we are definitely getting excited about the opportunity to return home.
We are preparing for a move back to the states in the very near future. If everything plays out as planned (meaning: our current boss gives us the go ahead to leave STT in May with our contract completing bonus $$$ in hand), we’ll be flying back to New York a.s.a.p. We’ll then embark on the thousand plus mile journey from Syracuse to northeast SD with our cats, kayaks, guitars, exercise equipment (we’re so out of shape), and plenty of Caribbean memories in tow.
By the way, if there are any vets out there (the cat kind, not the war kind), I’d appreciate an answer to this question: Is it safe to travel two days and 25 hours of driving with cats secured in kayaks on the roof of a car? How ‘bout if we duct tape all the crevices shut?
Anyway, the summer plan is to live at a lake (in SD), work at the Pickerel Lake Lodge, and have plenty of time to spend with family and friends…not to mention the 493 weddings that are scheduled to happen this summer.
As far as the fall is concerned, it’s all up in the air. As neither of us really knows what we want to do when we grow up, we’re open to suggestions. In fact, let’s make it a contest! If you have a suggestion for what we should do or where we should go, post your ideas on the blog. Whoever posts the winning entry will receive a jug of Pickerel Lake Iced Tea and a fresh pack of Swisher Sweets! (Disclaimer: If the winning entry is from a person under the age of 18, he/she will receive a year’s supply of Clorox Disenfecting Wipes) Kazawooiee poopaw! This deal is so sweet it deserves the coining of a new phrase.
Time for me to be on my way. Farewell.
Peace In.
Since it seems that I haven’t added anything to the blog since the
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