The cats strike again!
K, no pictures on this one cuz i'm on the work computer... but let's just say life has been sort of stressful recently... the cats are sick... AGAIN! This time it's both of them....
Chloe howls at the doors and windows constantly, as in whenever she isn't sleeping, licking herself or pooping... to mention pooping... it's more like brown liquid that stinks up the whole room. Gus has the brown liquid poop too as well as throwing up on the floor for us to clean... aren't you glad you read this blog???
Turns out they have a parasite... how do we know that you ask? Lando and i were poop stalkers.. we would listen for them to scratch around in the kitty box, sneak up on them and then grab them as soon as they were done unloading their brown pee-like-poop... then the other one of us would go in with a used paper towel cylinder and scoop the not-like-poop-at-all substance, plop it in a plastic bag, label it with their name and the date and stick it in the fridge (mmmm, who's hungry?).
Lando took it to the vet... we paid them $20 to play with it and whala(sp?)... PARASITE!!! SO now we have these pills that they won't eat... we tried dissolving them in water and shooting it down their throat... more throw up.... and Lando and i both have the battle scars to prove... this isn't working! (Mine are actually from the Keopectate trials with Chloe a couple days ago... Lando loves to point out how ugly my leg bruise is around my back-claw-puncture wound.
So hopefully this medicine thing will get easier once they get their appetites back... so you'd think we were on an upward swing... NOT SO FAST... did you forget about Chloe's howling at all the doors and windows???? That has NOTHING to do with the parasite...
Apparently it may seem that Chloe is in heat... how could that be... we adopted her from a shelter and had to get her spayed right away... hmmmm... turns out that when they spayed her, that good 'ol vet in Buffalo may have left some of her ovari in there! SO... once we get over this parasite thing, then the vet is going to stick a thermometer in her you-know-where and test things out... the whole thermometer thing seems wrong to me... Lando doesn't care... MEN!
well that's all for now.. must get back to work...
Final Note: We made brownies last night... they are SO good!
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