The followup....

So I took a nap…
I slept like a rock for over two hours… very uncharacteristic, but it’s been a rough week… lets recap…
Like Lando said, we went to St. John where I attempted to lead Lando and Marcus on the Eco Hike tour our company does (minus all the really cool info. cuz I’m really bad at retaining that stuff.) Well as is very characteristic of me, we got lost… made several wrong turns… but in the end, we made it to honeymoon beach. On the Eco Hike tour we took a safari bus back to town, but not us… we walked the whole thing back! Great day, awesome food and beautiful ferry ride back to St. Thomas, but an exhausting day.
Marcus decided to move back home to Buffalo, so lost were all the efforts to help him get settled (by the way, that phone number I left is by now probably null and void so ignore).
The night before he left, we wound up taking Chloe to the vet for an emergency visit… she was howling all night the night before, we didn’t sleep much but we just thought it was those cat visitors they love so much. But by the time I got home that day she was acting really strange. We took her to the vet and determined that she was having a reaction to the flea medicine we gave her… so she got a shot in the butt, a bath and we were on our way back home.
NOT SO FAST!!! She was up howling the whole night! Which meant we were up the whole night… it was awful… she seemed like she was in so much pain. The next morning, Lando took Marcus to the airport at 7am and then we were back on the way to the vet. I dropped her off and went to work… later that day they told us she had some intestinal situation, probably also as a result of the flea stuff.
So she had some kitty Kaopectate, and has some pink liquid antibiotics we shoot down her throat with an eye dropper… she’s still acting strange, but she’s doing better, so we’ll see what happens… I just would love to have a full night of sleep!
Alison Strockowski (LCLC summer staffer) is on her way to visit just after Christmas which we are pretty excited about…. Unfortunately we have to work a lot, but she’ll have plenty to do! Today at Cost-U-Less we found Raspberry Lemonade Gatorade! I was super excited… Cat got me hooked on it this summer and I drink a lot of water during the day, so it’s nice to have a refreshing Gatorade to spice things up a little! THANKS CAT (anther LCLC summer staffer)!!!
I just finished reading the Poisenwood Bible… really good book… HIGHLY recommend it (so does Oprah). Grey’s Anatomy is a re-run tonite, so we can get to bed a little earlier tonite (although I’m alive and kickin’ cuz of that great nap!) Ah, so it goes…
Tomorrow is a slow day… I’m working the Carnival Destiny, which is full of people from Puerto Rico that just come over to shop and don’t want to do tours… not to mention the shore ex doesn’t really care about his job, so some days he doesn’t sell a single tour! Bottom line I’ll have plenty of time to pretend I’m busy or get sent on errands. Lando only has on St. John tour, so we should get out early….
Until next time……
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