Greetings. My turn to share some bloggage once again.
I’m currently sitting on the couch flipping between football and a Charles Bronson shoot ‘em up movie while I wait for a load of laundry to dry and recover from the disinfectant inhalation that made me feel like I had emphysema while I cleaned the bathroom. Didn’t you get the memo that it’s National Run-On Sentence Day? Anyway, Jaca’s taking a nappy, so what better time to share my immense intellect via the World Wide Web (whatever that means). Do you ever fear that the rest of the world will not catch your sarcasm in print? Thought so, just me.
As you may have guessed, we have today off. We went to church this morning and then wandered around downtown. We ate breakfast at a place called Gladys’ or Glady’s, depending upon where in the café you read the name. That’s cool, sometimes when I write letters to myself, I write about Landos’ toys as if I am really seventeen three year-old boys living inside a twenty-five year-old man’s body. (Don’t worry, nobody else understood that either.)
It’s fun walking around all the shops on days off, especially if there are only one or two ships in. The only downfall is that the jewelry store folk assume we are from the ships and that our only goal in life is to buy diamonds in St. Thomas. I’ve found that all the tourists think I’m a real-deal born in St. Thomas local and all the West Indian locals think I’m a fresh off the ship tourist. Most tourists associate South Dakota with never-ending winter and assume the only way I come by my blonde hair is being born in the Caribbean.
Since last Jaca wrote (does that phrase really make sense?), not much has happened. I very well could end this entry here, but of course I won’t.
We went to St. John on our last day off. As we’ve received requests to include more pics of us on the site, I’ll include a few from our St. John adventure. It was great. We checked out a trail that led to a secluded beach (that took us twice as long to walk as it should because we kept getting lost), stopped by the Caneel Bay Resort, had dinner at a place called J.J.’s Texas Coast, and took a moonlight ferry back home.
By the way, the weather’s not too shabby down here. Didn’t know if you picked up on that yet.
We went upstairs to a Christmas party for the church a few days ago. Of course, after forty seconds of greeting the adults, we gravitated towards the kids. I threw a game of Monopoly Junior and Jaca watched part of a movie with the little girls.
Last Friday night was cool. They had this thing called Miracle on Main Street (about a block from our house). There were a few steel drum bands, lots of Christmas lights, and kids doing some kind of strange line dance that looked like something out of Seven Brides For Seven Brothers.
Jaca’s awake now, so I think I’ll end this now. Hope you have a great week leading into Christmas!
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