Alison's Visit

Alison left yesterday.... she was here for a week which totally flew by! She was all about the beach, so we visited tons of those! She was baffled by the size of the Cruise Ships and only wanted to consume ice cream and frozen drinks. OH! SITUATION!
Just got back from wheeling a sick passenger to her ship... fun fun... but now I don't have much time, but i'll explain the pictures. One is Lando and Alison near the Cruise Ship Dock with Queen Mary 2 in the background. It's too big to come into the dock or the inner harbor, so the passengers have to tender in using the ship's lifeboats.
Another is of Alison at Estate Hope, one of the properties of the church that they are beginning to use as a retreat facility(that's the picture of the building). LCLC worked on this property during our last two servant trips. The There is one of Alison and I at Limetree... a beach at Blackbeards resort. Cool resort, big waves and the most perfect rocks to frame a sunset (too bad my camera battery died!)
K that's it for now... our address is P.O. Box 58 St. Thomas, VI 00804... if you want our phone number cuz you don't have it already, then email me... don't feel like putting that on the internet!
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