Saturday, May 31, 2008

Tornadoes & Broken Cars

So we went up to Rosholt (about 2 1/2 hours north) to help Lando's parents move. Jill & Leon just sold their house in town and are moving out to a house in the country. Well, actually they are moving into the garage of the house in the country cuz the house isn't quite ready yet. They are doing a lot of fix-it-up work to it. It's SO nice out there though, it will be worth it!

While we were up there, there were all kinds of tornado watches down here in Sioux Falls, so we watched the news to see if our new house would be there when we got back. As luck would have it the tornados stayed south of us so we were fine.

Lando and I were driving Leon's pickup back home so we could take back a couch and some other stuff that Lando had up there. We got about 40 miles from home and the truck broke down. So Lando, Charlie and I hung out in the grass on the side of the road for awhile waiting for a tow truck. And here's the cool thing about the midwest. Everyone is SO nice and helpful. The sheriff came by and gave us a card for a REALLY helpful towing company that took us all the way down to sioux falls, a random girl came by on her tractor to see if we needed help and once we got to the Dodge dealer, there was a van there to take us home. Today we got a rental car and even though they were closing about 10 minutes after i called, they still brought the rental car right to our house!

We now have official South Dakota license's (which is more cool for me than for Lando), but get this... the DMV is a very pleasant place to go. We waited about 10 minutes, didn't have to take our drivers written test again like in California, got our picture taken and then they printed the license right there - no temporary paper thing with a 2-3 week wait like in NY & CA. Plus the fees to do that an register our car was about 4 times cheaper!

Lando is outside working on our fence. He got up at the crack of dawn to seed our lawn and has been working on the fence ever since. It's about 5 pm and he's got 4 posts and two panels up. We have a big yard so it's going to be quite the process. Meanwhile, the pregnant pile that i am feels useless so i've spent the afternoon reseaching cloth diapers! Man it's funny the things that suddenly become interesting! More pictures later!


At 12:56 PM, Blogger Goose said...

Cloth diapers...they're okay. Don't use them at night. Baby won't sleep as long if they can feel they are wet...and in cloth diapers, they can definitely feel they are wet. We made it about 3 or 4 months with the cloth diapers and then gave up.


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