4th of July

So we've been meaning to do another post, but we've found we update facebook much more easily than this blog... it's much easier (and faster to upload photos), but we are still going to keep this going, cuz not everyone has facebook.
The weekend of the 4th was awesome. All of Lando's family gets together at the family cabin on Pickerel Lake. Lando and i lived there for a summer right after we moved back from St. Thomas and before we moved to California. It's so nice to be able to go away for a holiday weekend, to have 2 or 3 days off in a row (in the summer!) and to just be able to spend it with family.

9 months pregnant and i was still able to get in and out of that kayak... i've been missing physical activity, so that was fun.

Valerie, Lando's cousin, is due 1 month after me. We are both having girls which is cool because right now the only two family grandchildren (Emmit & Jaydon) are both boys.

Now we are a week and a half from baby due date and so we are just hanging out and waiting... HOPING that she is at least on time if not early. Late would make things much more complicated, but i guess we really don't have much say. The goal is to get the fence done before she's here, but even that is looking less and less likely... we'll see! Stay tuned for baby pics!
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