The adventure continues...

Scone on?
Lando here, reporting from the Caribbean. I'm waiting for Jaca to finish up with some work while I type and stick my face into a bowl of popcorn to avoid the catastrophe of greasy fingers.
It appears to me that we haven't posted anything on this here blog for over two weeks. I'm sure my mom is the only person who actually noticed though. Likely, everyone else quit reading after the second or third post...if not then, for sure when Jaca devoted the whole screen to feline feces. Anyway, hi mom! I love you too.
As it's been so long, there should be many fascinating things to share. Where to begin?
Well, we made a trip to three of the British islands (Tortolla, Virgin Gorda, Norman Island) a few weeks ago. It was good stuff. We spent the morning in Virgin Gorda at the world-famous baths. Note to self: the words "world-famous" are better suited to describe things like vinegar museums than wonders of nature. Note to others: if you've never seen the Fish Philosophy video, please do...and soon. In it, you will learn the importance of "choosing your attitude" so you can be "world-famous." Sorry about the randomness that most of you don't follow...wait, there I go assuming someone other than my mom is reading...silly me.
Back on track. So we checked out the baths, which were (insert word that emotes extreme pleasure here). Is "emotes" really a word? Sorry, I'm writing as my mind thinks today...kind of scary, huh? They are huge slabs of granite in the middle of the Caribbean (placed there by glaciers or aliens). We then had lunch in Tortolla and did some snorkeling by Norman Island. Basically, they dropped us off the boat in the middle of the ocean to snorkel in about 700 (read 50) feet of water with about 37 (read 5) foot waves while fish the size of an ice cream truck (read my arm) swam below us. It was grand.
Then the in-laws came down last weekend. Dude, I have in-laws. I'm old.
It was a lot of fun. The highlight for me was spending the day in St. John. We took our car over on the ferry and spent the day touring the island, doing little shopping, and hanging out at Cinnamon Bay (yes, the same Cinnamon Bay Kenny Chesney sings about). It was there that I demonstrated my survival skills by breaking open a coconut with my bare hands (and some very hard, pointy rocks). By the way, we've got a hankerin' to spend a night or two at the Cinnamon Bay Campground before we move north again. If there are any takers on that offer, come on down!
Oh yeah, our car was also broken into while Janet and Ed were here. Actually, "broken into" is to harsh. It was more like climbed into. We left the back window unzipped and in the morning found that our ash tray was pulled out. The thief made away with about 35 cents. Too bad he didn't show up to steal anything when we first bought the car. The first time I cleaned the car, I found a half-used joint in the ash tray. The fella also took a little blue Mag-lite flashlight out of the glove box. No worries, he probably uses it more than we ever did.
Well, I think that pretty much brings us up to date. I'll include some pics as well. Enjoy!