Friday, January 27, 2006

The adventure continues...

Scone on?

Lando here, reporting from the Caribbean. I'm waiting for Jaca to finish up with some work while I type and stick my face into a bowl of popcorn to avoid the catastrophe of greasy fingers.

It appears to me that we haven't posted anything on this here blog for over two weeks. I'm sure my mom is the only person who actually noticed though. Likely, everyone else quit reading after the second or third post...if not then, for sure when Jaca devoted the whole screen to feline feces. Anyway, hi mom! I love you too.

As it's been so long, there should be many fascinating things to share. Where to begin?

Well, we made a trip to three of the British islands (Tortolla, Virgin Gorda, Norman Island) a few weeks ago. It was good stuff. We spent the morning in Virgin Gorda at the world-famous baths. Note to self: the words "world-famous" are better suited to describe things like vinegar museums than wonders of nature. Note to others: if you've never seen the Fish Philosophy video, please do...and soon. In it, you will learn the importance of "choosing your attitude" so you can be "world-famous." Sorry about the randomness that most of you don't follow...wait, there I go assuming someone other than my mom is reading...silly me.

Back on track. So we checked out the baths, which were (insert word that emotes extreme pleasure here). Is "emotes" really a word? Sorry, I'm writing as my mind thinks today...kind of scary, huh? They are huge slabs of granite in the middle of the Caribbean (placed there by glaciers or aliens). We then had lunch in Tortolla and did some snorkeling by Norman Island. Basically, they dropped us off the boat in the middle of the ocean to snorkel in about 700 (read 50) feet of water with about 37 (read 5) foot waves while fish the size of an ice cream truck (read my arm) swam below us. It was grand.

Then the in-laws came down last weekend. Dude, I have in-laws. I'm old.

It was a lot of fun. The highlight for me was spending the day in St. John. We took our car over on the ferry and spent the day touring the island, doing little shopping, and hanging out at Cinnamon Bay (yes, the same Cinnamon Bay Kenny Chesney sings about). It was there that I demonstrated my survival skills by breaking open a coconut with my bare hands (and some very hard, pointy rocks). By the way, we've got a hankerin' to spend a night or two at the Cinnamon Bay Campground before we move north again. If there are any takers on that offer, come on down!

Oh yeah, our car was also broken into while Janet and Ed were here. Actually, "broken into" is to harsh. It was more like climbed into. We left the back window unzipped and in the morning found that our ash tray was pulled out. The thief made away with about 35 cents. Too bad he didn't show up to steal anything when we first bought the car. The first time I cleaned the car, I found a half-used joint in the ash tray. The fella also took a little blue Mag-lite flashlight out of the glove box. No worries, he probably uses it more than we ever did.

Well, I think that pretty much brings us up to date. I'll include some pics as well. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Just Kidding

So i don't know if anyone other than Lando's mom caught the bit about the car..... that's not our car... if you remember i told you we had a jeep... that car is one that Lando, Alison and i found on the side of the road coming back from Estate Hope and Alison thought it was really cool, so i took a bunch of pictures. We have a white jeep that is super fun and only has a busted side view mirror and some wierd electrical wiring under the dash.

It's been a long three days of work, but tomorrow Lando and i are headed out on a Captain Nautica BVI trip... we're super excited cuz we haven't been to the British Virgin Islands yet and are anxious to explore!

Found out today that John Fahenstock died. Then got the privelage of reading one amazing D.O.G.'s devos by a girl who has inspired me SO much... and who i really look up to right now... she's got everything in the right perspective... and i feel like i can't keep anything in focus these days.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

No Ship in Port

So friday is our day off... there are no ships in port - NONE! Odd this time of year.. the past two days we've had 6 ships in port and it's been just mad! Lando got to stay at the beach all day today because he had three beach tours... which is really nice for him... i on the other hand worked ALL THREE SHIPS on the WICO dock... i'm so beat!

Cats are doing better but they are still resisting this medicine we are trying to give them... we keep trying tricks.. but they are acting more normal. Another fiasco though.... we had a rough accident with our car... we have no idea what could have happened... the picture is above... so we are on the search for buying a new vehicle.... not a fun process on the island.

Brownies didn't last too long... cuz we get the ant-like-bugs all over the counter recently and no matter how clean we keep it... they keep coming.... the brownies were completely covered and but on top of the toaster oven, but still the bugs got in... i was pretty sad!

The Costa Magica ship is in today... the Shore Ex staff is extremely high maintenance.. not fun... and on their last cruise, a 15 year-old Irish girl fell overboard and was lost at see... apparently it isn't really being covered in our media, but it's all over in England. Billie (one of the ladies who works here) told us that on a different ship (can't remember the name), but a crew member fell overboard and was in the water for 12 HOURS... IN THE DARK!!! But they found her alive... can you imagine?

Well the big dilema is what to do with our day off on friday... with no ships in port, many things shut down... after the past few days i just want to chill and do nothing... we watched "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" last night... crazy!!! I'm not sure what i think about the whole Demons thing... can they really posess people like that? Thoughts anyone?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The cats strike again!

K, no pictures on this one cuz i'm on the work computer... but let's just say life has been sort of stressful recently... the cats are sick... AGAIN! This time it's both of them....

Chloe howls at the doors and windows constantly, as in whenever she isn't sleeping, licking herself or pooping... to mention pooping... it's more like brown liquid that stinks up the whole room. Gus has the brown liquid poop too as well as throwing up on the floor for us to clean... aren't you glad you read this blog???

Turns out they have a parasite... how do we know that you ask? Lando and i were poop stalkers.. we would listen for them to scratch around in the kitty box, sneak up on them and then grab them as soon as they were done unloading their brown pee-like-poop... then the other one of us would go in with a used paper towel cylinder and scoop the not-like-poop-at-all substance, plop it in a plastic bag, label it with their name and the date and stick it in the fridge (mmmm, who's hungry?).

Lando took it to the vet... we paid them $20 to play with it and whala(sp?)... PARASITE!!! SO now we have these pills that they won't eat... we tried dissolving them in water and shooting it down their throat... more throw up.... and Lando and i both have the battle scars to prove... this isn't working! (Mine are actually from the Keopectate trials with Chloe a couple days ago... Lando loves to point out how ugly my leg bruise is around my back-claw-puncture wound.

So hopefully this medicine thing will get easier once they get their appetites back... so you'd think we were on an upward swing... NOT SO FAST... did you forget about Chloe's howling at all the doors and windows???? That has NOTHING to do with the parasite...

Apparently it may seem that Chloe is in heat... how could that be... we adopted her from a shelter and had to get her spayed right away... hmmmm... turns out that when they spayed her, that good 'ol vet in Buffalo may have left some of her ovari in there! SO... once we get over this parasite thing, then the vet is going to stick a thermometer in her you-know-where and test things out... the whole thermometer thing seems wrong to me... Lando doesn't care... MEN!

well that's all for now.. must get back to work...

Final Note: We made brownies last night... they are SO good!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Alison's Visit

Alison left yesterday.... she was here for a week which totally flew by! She was all about the beach, so we visited tons of those! She was baffled by the size of the Cruise Ships and only wanted to consume ice cream and frozen drinks. OH! SITUATION!

Just got back from wheeling a sick passenger to her ship... fun fun... but now I don't have much time, but i'll explain the pictures. One is Lando and Alison near the Cruise Ship Dock with Queen Mary 2 in the background. It's too big to come into the dock or the inner harbor, so the passengers have to tender in using the ship's lifeboats.

Another is of Alison at Estate Hope, one of the properties of the church that they are beginning to use as a retreat facility(that's the picture of the building). LCLC worked on this property during our last two servant trips. The There is one of Alison and I at Limetree... a beach at Blackbeards resort. Cool resort, big waves and the most perfect rocks to frame a sunset (too bad my camera battery died!)

K that's it for now... our address is P.O. Box 58 St. Thomas, VI 00804... if you want our phone number cuz you don't have it already, then email me... don't feel like putting that on the internet!