So the newest joy in our lives comes between 5 and 6 am each morning. It is then when Lando and I are awoken to the crashing, howling, and hissing of Gus and Chloe. They have found a friend who comes to visit them at various doors and windows… the only problem is Gus doesn’t take very kindly to these visits. Chloe then runs to find our what is going on and Gus gives her a piece of his mind… he’s very protective of Chloe.
So sleep has been something that I could really use more of… on the positive side of our two psycho cats is that they don’t let a single little critter, cockroach or lizard get very far. Yeah…. The other day we came home and found they caught their first lizard. Not only did they catch it, but they ate half of it… all we had to identify the body was the back two legs and the tail!
The other day we went to go see a play "It's a Wonderful Life" only we got there and it was all sold out, so we got tickets for Saturday night and went to see a movie instead... we went and saw "Walk the Line," which was REALLY good-and i don't even know that much about Johnny Cash (nor does anyone else on the island so we knew we had to see it quick, most movies don't last more than a week here.) The problem is that the Movie theater is literally like sitting in 30 degree weather... i was in long sleeves and jeans and i was still cold! i didn't bring warm enough clothes to enjoy a movie there, so i'm going to have to have my mom send us warm hoodies or something!
When we arrived at the movie theater to check the times, we had about an hour before the show, so we walked next door to the Kokopelli Cafe!!! I was super excited cuz i love Kokopelli's! They had a different explanation for what a Kokopelli is, which i thought was interesting... (Julie and Scott, when you guys come visit - we are SO going there!) It is a turly random place.. with an arcade, a pediatrician-like waiting room area for kids, a diner, bar and coffee house all in one.
Last night we got to see the play "It's a Wonderful Life," and it was really good - and i don't even know anything about the movie cuz i've never seen it! It was much better than this other play we went to see at the University of the Virgin Islands.... that theater was so warm and we were so unengaged in what was going on that Lando and i were both falling asleep.... so we left after the first half.... i felt really bad... i never do stuff like that.
Before "It's a Wonderful Life" we went to a place called "Jacks." Their slogan is, "If you haven't tried our wings, you don't know Jack." And they aren't kidding! Really good wings that totally rival Anchor Bar and Duffs - Steve or Jason Carrier will give the final verdict when they come visit.
The Christmas lights are up.... which is really cool since that is the way i'm used to seeing St. Thomas! Our LCLC trips would always begin the day after Christmas and while it is strange to see all the Christmas lights and decorations when it was 80 degrees, it is really pretty! It's made me really homesick for our LCLC trips - even trip three!
Tidbits: Gas is $2.87/gallon, we've had quite a bit of rain recently, Marcus got a cell phone (340) 344-1936-we all have the same kind, mine is pink, lando's is navy blue and Marcus has silver, our copy machine sounds like it's grinding a 5lb. bar of chocolate and my parents are coming to visit on the 19th of January! (My dad is super excited about the submarine ride! - remember that trip 3 folks!!!)
Guess that's it for now... we are off tomorrow and are hoping to go to St. John's to do some exploring, but Marcus is still job and apartment hunting, so we'll see.... until next time....